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I'd love to speak to you about your wedding day and give you an overview of our services!

Otto was joined by his parents, sister and grandparents for his newborn session. Since we wanted to make sure big sister was able to take a few photos and then head off with grandma and grandad we met in the park and started our photoshoot there. I love capturing family photos outdoors rather than in the studio, I think everyone looks much more natural and relaxed in an outdoor setting and the sunlight and nature adds so much beauty to the photos. After we had captured some beautiful outdoor family photos we headed to my studio to start Otto’s newborn photo session. Otto was very alert for the shoot, so we started with a few awake shots, and then after plenty of cuddles and milk Otto fell asleep and we were able to capture some gorgeous shots of this little angel. We started with back pose, then transitioned to side pose, then added some accessories such as a loose wrap and a teddy bear, we got some gorgeous shots of Otto snuggled up under the “blankets” with teddy. Then we switched to a blue background and wrapped Otto in a swaddle to help him to feel secure and stay asleep, we added a few accessories then moved him to his belly for the final pose. I loved shooting with this lovely family and hope to see them again soon!

See our Clementine’s Baby Girl Newborn Shoot, Brisbane Newborn Photography here!

Otto’s Baby Boy Newborn Shoot, Brisbane Newborn Photography


copyright, emma cleary photo & video, all rights reserved